Jun 6Liked by Emma Worrollo

I'm just back from Japan from a trip with my son, it was an awesome trip. You guys are going to ace that place and have the best time! I can see it suiting your family so well, on a multitude of levels.

Ben, the way you celebrate the joy that family life brings you is so refreshing to hear - you are clear on what is important in life and you communicate it with thoughtfulness and infectious joy - it always really impresses me, and is such a gift for your kids.

I'd work for you Emma, what do you need?

And social media wise - stick with the layers, it will help you find your people.

Thanks again for the pod, I always look forward to it. Xx

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🥹 thankyou x

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Jun 5Liked by Emma Worrollo

Great pod, as always. I love the breadth of topics you guys cover and your positivity towards everything. I agree with stopping the niggly comments, I'd add people that jump ahead to the next 'life stage', I saw someone introduce their girlfriend on insta and 80% of the comments were about wedding bells and pitter patter of tiny feet... Can people not just be happy for the moment?!

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lol - yes totally!

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Jun 5Liked by Emma Worrollo

I love Ben’s energy, makes me smile so much listening to your chat. Scout is amazing - ‘do it bigger Dad!’

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Jun 5Liked by Emma Worrollo

Pod related pics on your insta feed? …Emma with a slushy…?!

Love your positivity, Ben - so good for the mind, body and soul 💫

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Jun 6Liked by Emma Worrollo

Bloody loved listening to this amidst a week of ‘meh’ and general stress. The weight of the world is so heavy right now, really noticing it in the women I work with particularly too. Think we feel so connected to mothers around the world and there’s something particularly harrowing seeing other Mums/children in distress. If you are an empath (like me) then the world is exhausting to be in at the moment.

Thank god for Ben’s endless optimism - my takeaway from today was ‘start local’ to make a change. I’m going to do a litter pick in my area in the next week and go from there. Also thank you for operation puppy - I am on the same mission to convert my husband to puppy love now the baby days are gone and you doing the same if very helpful - only positive content please 😃(saw a Pomeranian pup at the weekend and it was an absolute stunner).

Keep the content exactly as it is - I was just looking through your grid to tell my husband we needed to go to Miami (and a moxy hotel 😂)

PS - how you were able to function at all on so many antihistamines is incredible. My hayfever is bad but if I take more than one tablet I’m comatose 🙄

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Empath life is relentless 🫠

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Jun 11Liked by Emma Worrollo

I love being part of this cult 😅😊

Enjoy this pod so much, thank you both for doing it. Really like School Runnings, always so lovely to hear the car chat with the kiddos, and Emma on ‘roids made me giggle! Going to have a look for those cards too! 💛 x

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Jun 11Liked by Emma Worrollo

I wonder if your love for a deviant slushie walk, Emma, is also due to the recent(ish) ban on them for young children? They're not recommended for under fours (not a comment on your parenting, hopefully obviously, and I know your children are all 4+). So it's extra naughty! All that glycerol!

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Hadn’t seen that! I’ll now spend the night imagining how I’ll die a glycerol death 💀

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Jun 17Liked by Emma Worrollo

I imagine it's quite a fun, delirious sort of sugar high poisoning? But you're a tiny bit bigger than a three year old, so safe, just naughty!

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Jun 7Liked by Emma Worrollo

Post what you want on social media, Emma. Ben’s absolutely right - plus if you do content creation, posting something is better than nothing because of decision/choice paralysis. You never know, people may want to hear more about something you rarely post about because of this.

- Jack, Friend, employee, and now (somehow) cult member

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It’s truuuuue! 🙏🏻

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Also, I am a teacher increasingly wanting to pivot - can I work for you (even though I live in the North?)

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